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GOULART & MANGUEIRA ADVOGADOS is aware that business activity is surrounded by several legal implications, such as tax, labor and tax obligations, relationships with suppliers and consumers, the execution of contracts and cancellations, among many other particularities, and this all indicates the need for the entrepreneur to be advised efficiently, so that he can calmly dedicate himself to what constitutes the essence of his business.


We offer to  companies and entrepreneurs legal advice seeking to reduce the possibility of risks, such as lawsuits against them, and to provide the client with greater possibilities to launch their business, enabling healthier and safer relationships with their clients and even with their suppliers, and in their private life , all with the objective of obtaining greater profitability.


We carry out consultancy with preventive law, through counseling and rules of conduct to be followed in relation to  to the various areas in which business activity is involved, with the aim of promoting early action, adopting a proactive stance in dealing with legal issues, in order to prevent and avoid the materialization of problems, which may entail costs high for your solution.

In this context, our clients will be able to make decisions,  long before the possibility of the existence of a judicial or extrajudicial demand, removing or minimizing expenses, stress and natural wear and tear that every dispute usually brings. 


We offer legal solutions for companies and individuals through advisory (preventive) and litigation services, covering the areas of  criminal law,  Intangible Property Law, Trademarks and Patents ,  Labor and Social Security Law , as well as,  Family and Succession Law , and other branches of law, relying, therefore, on a modern method of work in a humanized way, with a bias in the commitment to the client, allied to quality and efficiency, with a team of trained professionals with exclusive dedication to each customer.

Atuação no contencioso

Our Criminal Law chair is  specialized   in the defense of the (businessman) who, for one reason or another, gets involved with Criminal Law, be it  Business, Money Laundering Crimes, Crimes against the Tax Order, Crimes against the Financial System, Crimes against Consumer Relations, Crimes against the Environment, Crimes against Public Administration, Cyber Crimes, Electoral Crimes, Crimes against life ( Jury court).

The Lawyer Amado Pereira, Retired Police Chief, University Professor, with vast knowledge of investigation and the various fields of investigation and processes, focused on an innovative criminal lawyer of preliminary investigative character, to complex cases, and we act in all cases  investigations in general, including administrative ones, for civil servants and police officers with problems with the  Police Offices.

We also act as assistants to the prosecution, defending the interests of companies, victims of crimes.


Advocacia Criminal Investigativa

O Advogado Amado Pereira, Delegado de Polícia aposentado, Professor universitário, com vastos conhecimentos de investigação e as diversas searas da investigação e processos, voltado para uma advocacia criminal inovadora de caráter investigativo preliminar, aos casos complexos, e atuamos em todos os casos  investigatórios em geral, inclusive os administrativos, para servidores e policiais com problemas com as  Corregedorias de Polícia.

Atuamos também como assistentes de acusação, na defesa dos interesses das empresas, vítimas de delitos.

Nesta linha de Advocacia Investigativa, atuamos em parcerias com outros Escritórios e Advogados.

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